We want to invest in your company.
Let us show you how we can.
Circulating Pitch Decks and Business Plans have a 1.5% funding success rate.
Conducting securities offerings have a 72% success rate.
Using a Broker-Dealer has a 90%+ success rate.
We help you combine all 3 processes to radically increase your odds of funding success.
Why? Because we and our co-investors are just as eager to invest as you are to get capitalized.
5 million new companies are formed annually in the US by entrepreneurs.
63% of Tech Startups fail in year 1, and 90% of all startups ultimately fail.
One platform.
One ecosystem.
A funding superhighway.
"The only legally compliant program in the U.S. where founders and entrepreneurs can access unlimited private market capital, save over $50,000 in legal costs, build legally-compliant securities, bypass failed pitches, end wasting time, create & present offerings to qualified, serious investors, and access to all resources needed to go from IDEA to IPO."
0.9% of startups manage to get Angel Funding, but 90% of those never survive.
0.05% of startups manage to raise Venture Capital, but 90% never survive.
Commonwealth Capital, LLC is a hybrid venture capital firm successfully capitalizing start-up and early-stage companies since 1998.
Founded by former Wall Street and SEC executives, our firm has reverse-engineered the traditional Venture Capital model adding critical Wall Street metrics into it, designed to take any company from Idea to IPO.
Now, we're delivering an exclusive, straightforward Executive Membership program into our Corporate Engineering Conservatory™ so that your company becomes the quality deal flow that we and our co-investors want to invest in.
Venture funding is nothing new, but how we are able to capitalize young companies is.
Our process is simple.
1) We show you how to become “broker-dealer ready” for a 90+% success rate.
2) We give you the tools to properly engineer your company to maintain the vast majority of equity ownership and voting control.
3) We open access to unlimited capital, through us and our co-investors, upon completion.
We focus on enabling your company to raise substantial amounts of Equity Capital without selling too much of your common voting equity too early for too little, a critical mistake most entrepreneurs make.
Separate your company from the 99% who fail at raising capital by sending pitch decks and business plans to traditional Venture Capital firms. Become the 90+% who succeed with securities offerings sold through broker-dealers or directly to investors, in full compliance with federal and state securities laws.
Once you properly construct your company's financial model and create a bona fide securities offering document to legally offer convertible securities*, you’ll be able to access unlimited amounts of capital on your terms.
We back up our process with a 100% money-back guarantee on your Executive Membership subscription if you don't raise capital.**
Being an Executive Member, you will dominate the process and access unlimited capital on your terms (more information below).
*Convertible securities can include Convertible Notes, Bonds or Preferred Stock, convertible into Common stock at a pre-determined ratio, over a pre-determined period of time.
**Money-back guarantee subject to our program Terms & Conditions accepted at enrollment.
Less than 1.5% of start-up and early-stage companies will raise capital from venture capital, angel investors, family offices and private equity firms, using business plans and pitch decks.
Globally, over $3.7 trillion in venture capital funds did NOT get invested last year and remained idle due to a lack of quality companies to invest in.
Hundreds of billions of dollars are returned to venture capital investors each year due to a lack of quality companies to invest in.
There’s a HUGE Gap, and only you can fill it by offering convertible securities to investors, legally.
#1 – MONEY.
Regarding Start-Up and Early-Stage Companies, did you also know…
Over 72% succeed in raising capital through selling securities “In-house” and up to 99% by engaging a broker dealer to do the selling.
So why doesn’t everyone just do a securities offering? Because the traditional cost involved was too expensive for most start-up and early-stage companies. To do it right, it used to cost between $50,000 to $100,000.
We’ve covered 99% of the cost and given you all the knowledge and tools to create your own securities and the legally required offering documents.
Now, all you need to do is subscribe to the Corporate Engineering Conservatory™ and learn how to create, produce and sell convertible securities, legally.
When you do so, you have access to unlimited capital and control the terms of the deal, so you don’t sell too much of your company’s common voting equity, too early… for too little.
Yours FREE when you click & register below.
Capital Guidebook
For a limited time,get access to a FREE DOWNLOAD of our latest Capital Guide for serious entrepreneurs:
Learn there are only 2 ways to legally raise capital, one works the other doesn’t.
Discover what legally constitutes a “Security”.
Discover what legally constitutes an “Offering” of securities.
Learn how Wall Street pros raise capital and how they can help you.
Written by a former Wall Street Investment Banker and a former SEC Enforcement Attorney.
Legal Notice: Commonwealth Capital, LLC, its affiliated distributors, agents, employees are not engaged in the practice of law and cannot provide you with legal advice (except for those attorneys that hold themselves out as such and engaged in a separate agreement). Commonwealth Capital, LLC provides educational material and document preparation software, products, and related services. If you should decide that your situation requires the rendering of legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney in the appropriate jurisdiction.
©2023 Commonwealth Capital, LLC. Financial Architect™; Financial Architect System™; and “The Secrets of Wall Street™” were trademarks of Commonwealth Capital Advisors, LLC as of March 8th, 2005, then Commonwealth Capital, LLC as of May 5th, 2015. Architects of Finance™ has been an official trademark of Commonwealth Capital Advisors, LLC as of April 11, 1998, then Commonwealth Capital, LLC as of May 5th, 2015. All contents of the COMMONWEALTH CAPITAL, LLC and Financial Architect System™ websites are Copyright (c) 1998 – 2023 COMMONWEALTH CAPITAL, LLC, formerly located, pre-Covid -19, in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Building, 30 South Wacker Drive, 22nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60606 U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.
Florida Headquarters:
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Suite P-300
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
email: support@commonwealthcapital.com
office: (561) 778-8010
fax: (973)346-9212
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